Wednesday 1 February 2017


Topshop Top & Earrings | Sabinna Skirt | DKNY Coat | Office Heels | MAC Lip Liner
Today is my 24th Birthday. This past year has been a whirlwind of emotions and change and I haven't enjoyed it much if I'm honest. Despite some big accomplishments over the past 12 months, I've also felt heartache and pain that I didn't think possible. I'm such a planner when it comes to my life. So when things don't go the way I expect them to, I don't like it. I think this year has taught me that even when things don't go my way, it's usually because something else is on the horizon. Something that I wouldn't have even dreamed of. So I just need to stay patient and go with the flow a bit more. 

Upon reflection, I have accomplished quite a bit this past year that I'm really proud of. First off, my biggest accomplishment yet: I graduated with a BA in Fashion Management from London College of Fashion. I then started my first job out of uni, working at Topshop/Topman Head Office as International Visual Operations Assistant. I also feel like my personal development has been huge. I've been vegan for almost a year now, I read WAY more than I used to and I'm more into my health than I've ever been. I really do hope this next year goes the way I am planning for it to, but if it doesn't... that's fine too. Cause it all ends up fine in the end.

Now onto the outfit I'm wearing. I have to give a huge thanks to Sabinna & the wonderful team at Dyelog PR for gifting me this gorgeous skirt last Fashion Week. I've recently been looking through old baby pictures of myself and noticed a funny trend that my mum always used to dress me in red. Red dresses, red skirts, red trousers. And now I see why! This defo inspired me to add more red into my outfits. Thanks guys!! <3

Until next time lovelies...

H x

Photography by Seema Kukadia
Twitter: H_Heimisdottir Instagram: habbaheimisdottir | YouTube: Habba Heimisdottir

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